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Studies, Planning, Policy

More Than 30 Years of Experience | Serving clients in US & Canada

Regulatory Studies, Planning,
Policy Studies, Program
Research, Evaluation & Support

We can support development to assist you in determining the most effective strategy, programs, and policy.

Regulatory and Policy Studies

Everything changes, and opportunities for policy reform sometimes arise as a result of external events, or as a result of internal focused policy research. We can support your policy research and development objectives in stable situations and as situations change. We also conduct management and staffing studies. And, we offer assistance in areas of contested measurement, including analysis, expert witness services and litigation support. We can develop designs and to help you you navigate and improve low-income programs and rates. Utility-related climate adaptation analytics, programs and assessment are our new practice area. In the area of regulatory and policy research we are expert in decoupling studies and optimization.

Conservation Potential Studies

For integrated resource plans (IRPs), we work with you to develop and assemble the full demand side, including a careful and insightful forecast for what is technically possible and what is practically achievable over the planning horizon (as well as implications and risks for the longer term so as to avoid technical regret). We can also develop and project climate trend and cycle effects that will impact programs, costs, and revenues. We can help with the planning and design of programs, including, if desired, interpreting program design in the climate context, for example, for demand side management (DSM), distributed energy resources (DERs) and non-wires alternatives (NWA).

Collaboration on Multi-Party Projects

We can help with projects you define internally. We can also support government, utility, and hybrid administrators work with multi-party projects and help support the participation of community groups. We have seasoned experience in collaborative projects, consensus-based projects, and interest intermediation.

Contact Us

For energy efficiency solutions that last, consider partnering with us. For any inquiries, concerns, or further details, contact us today.
